Sunday, September 5, 2010

Experiments reflection- Inside of Cells

This is only experiment that is hard to forget. Why? Because it is the only experiment that allows us to stick something into our mouth. More precisely a toothpick.

The procedures were:
1.Add a drop of DILUTED iodine solution onto the middle of a clean slide.
2.Gently scrape some cells from the inside of your cheek with a clean toothpick. This is the part that is hard to forget.
3.Spread the scrapings on the slide.
4.Place one side of a coverslip close to the drop of iodine solution while supporting the other side of the coverslip with a mounted needle.
5.Gently and lowly lower the coverslip onto the scrapings.
The exact same procedures are for the plant cell except that the plant cell comes from a plant not our mouth.

This not only reminds me of cells but also personal hygene when we were supposed to throw away our toothpicks after use. This experiment is different from the others since it uses one of the most amount of apparatus for the experiment.

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