Monday, September 6, 2010

SCience experiment reflection- Photosynthesis

This experiment used the most high-tech equipment i have ever seen, the data logger. Though we were not really able to use the data logger we were only able to see the results of the data logger. This shows me how easy technology has made science into. I hope with the years to come, technology would become more useful to help people and not harm people.

Science experiment reflection- Estimation

I like this experiment since i can randomly estimate the weight of the object that im supposed to weigh, making this experiment more relaxed than any other. Though, how relaxed this experiment is, i realised that i cant estimate well. For the heaviest object, i thought that i was the lightest. Well anyway, estimation is not a good thing to do since i cant really estimate well, causing many experiments to screw up and also, many people can get really confused with what im doing.

EXperiment reflection- Extracting chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is something that helps plants make food and indirectly gives us air to breath. However, for some reason, we wanted to extract something that means so much to our society and to the plants just to test whether starch is present in the leaf.

Well, anyway, this experiment is by far the longest experiment, that i can remember that we have ever done. This experiment also needed many apparatus, such as 2 beakers, a vegetated leaf (its still a leaf), alcohol, iodine, white tile, forceps and a bunsen burner.

This experiment should be called testing for starch since that is the main objective of the experiment, extracting the chlorophyll is just part of it.

This experiment has taught me not only the few scientific stuff that i should know, but also national education, telling me why Singapore needs to have many trees around making this experiment special and different from the others.

Experiment reflection- Is black ink really black?

Before this experiment, ink was just the colour it was. Blue was blue, black was black, red was red and so on and so forth. However, after an experiment conducted using paper chromatography (again), black ink can be concluded that it is not fully black but more of a mixture of inks.

Now a more detailed explanation on how we should conduct paper chromatography:
1)At one end of the filter paper, mark a ink spot as shown
2)Place the filter paper in between 2 split corks
3)Fill the boiling tube with ethanol and water mixture to around 2cm
4)Lower the strip on filter paper into the boiling tube and make sure the ink spot is just above the liquid level

Though in many science worksheets that show paper chromatography, the points are always alligned very nicely into one straight line. As for mine, in went spiral.

However, what amazes me again, is how paper chromatography works, with the least amount of the item used, we are able to find out the substances in the item.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Experiment reflection- Forming compounds

This experiment is special in it's own way as it allows us to investigate the formation of compounds by reacting 2 elements, reacting an element and a compound and reacting 2 compounds.
It was very useful to me since, it isn't common to do such experiments. It's not really a D.I.Y experiment where it can be done easily but it required a lot of explanation. Though it most likely can't be done again, I hope it can be done again.

Experiment reflection- Chromatography

This experiment required us to use very little apparatus and even apparatus that could be found at home.
It required a pencil, ink and filter paper.
However, what hit me was that it has a whole lot of uses. Such as testing for drugs in urine samples for athletes, find the components of a sweet and many more. Not only that, it merely requires a small amount of the item being tested. This makes it very useful and efficient.
Sadly, there is no such method for studying.

Experiments reflection- Inside of Cells

This is only experiment that is hard to forget. Why? Because it is the only experiment that allows us to stick something into our mouth. More precisely a toothpick.

The procedures were:
1.Add a drop of DILUTED iodine solution onto the middle of a clean slide.
2.Gently scrape some cells from the inside of your cheek with a clean toothpick. This is the part that is hard to forget.
3.Spread the scrapings on the slide.
4.Place one side of a coverslip close to the drop of iodine solution while supporting the other side of the coverslip with a mounted needle.
5.Gently and lowly lower the coverslip onto the scrapings.
The exact same procedures are for the plant cell except that the plant cell comes from a plant not our mouth.

This not only reminds me of cells but also personal hygene when we were supposed to throw away our toothpicks after use. This experiment is different from the others since it uses one of the most amount of apparatus for the experiment.

Science Ace on Celsius and Kelvin

*For some unknown reason, blogger didn't allow me to post the PowerPoint.

To me, since having focused on only one ace for the term, I can still remember it very well. And also after seeing the better ace projects by 1A1 students, I can now feel the shame of my work. I remembered that I wasn't paying much attention on it and rushed through my ace. The only line that I could remember on The email Ms Leong sent to me was 'Copy and Paste'. Hopefully in the next time I choose science as an ace, things would be different. My PowerPoint would be much more innovative and copied from wikipedia, since it's my favorite website for research though it's 70% unreliable.